2008-2015 TOKYO
ZOKEI UNIVERSITY , Department of Fine Art.
2008-2010 KYOTO UNIVERSITY OF ART AND DESIGN , Department of
Information DesignEducation
1999-'01 Research program Center For Contemporary Art-CCA Kitakyusyu
1995-99 BA,Tokyo Zokei Univercity of Art and Design
Theme of graduation work : Quest by composite art format about the relation of the between me and the world around myself.
1998.10-12 The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Michelangelo Pistoletto class
On going project
2015 Migrating Books #2 Oslo (Capplens Forslag)
2014 Migrating Books #1 Tokyo (B&B)
Selected Solo Exhibition
2005 Beginning - A view from the space ship (helpartime, Tokyo)
2015 Migrating Books #2 Oslo (Capplens Forslag)
2014 Migrating Books #1 Tokyo (B&B)
Selected Solo Exhibition
2005 Beginning - A view from the space ship (helpartime, Tokyo)
2003 The Party - You Are Already Within (OSAKA ARTS APORIA, Osaka)
2001 Yama no Atosaki (CAPACETE, Rio de Janeiro)Selected Group Exhibition
2018 BARBARA, or Ardor ( Grice Bench, Los Angeles )
2007 d.u.m.b.o art under the brdge festival, open studio ( NYC )
2006 piano piano (OSAKA ARTS APORIA, Osaka)
(the former Bank of Japan, Hiroshima Branch, Hiroshima)
2001 @Port (N-mark, Nagoya)
here.now2000-1997 (Fukuoka city museum, Fukuoka)
Imaginary gaze from this side, or from the other side, quietly guiding us all
2000 Continuous Encounters, Endless Expectations (Maeda Studio Gallery, Kitakyusyu)
Stage , Performance work
2013 Good timing (WWFes 2013 / Tokyo)
W.I.P. Shape and Violence Parade Me Vol.3 Live session (OSANBASHI YOKOHAMAinternational passenger terminal / YOKOHAMA)
2007 Garden AGORA 2007 (Winter summit 2006 Agora Theater, Tokyo)
Ambigous gift (Lecture Performance/Musashino art Univ., Tokyo)
Lecture, Wrokshop
Ether Swimming School- Science and Art - (Pen and Point, Tokyo)
2006 Memory and body Sumida Ward Terashima third Elementary School, Tokyo)
2010 The border which performs an interaction feat. Artist Yu HARA (LA GALERIE DES NAKAMURA, Tokyo)
2018 BARBARA, or Ardor ( Grice Bench, Los Angeles )
2007 d.u.m.b.o art under the brdge festival, open studio ( NYC )
2006 piano piano (OSAKA ARTS APORIA, Osaka)
(the former Bank of Japan, Hiroshima Branch, Hiroshima)
2001 @Port (N-mark, Nagoya)
here.now2000-1997 (Fukuoka city museum, Fukuoka)
Imaginary gaze from this side, or from the other side, quietly guiding us all
2000 Continuous Encounters, Endless Expectations (Maeda Studio Gallery, Kitakyusyu)
Stage , Performance work
2013 Good timing (WWFes 2013 / Tokyo)
W.I.P. Shape and Violence Parade Me Vol.3 Live session (OSANBASHI YOKOHAMAinternational passenger terminal / YOKOHAMA)
2012 W.I.P. Shape and Violence Parade Me Vol.1~2 (OSANBASHI YOKOHAMA internationalpassenger terminal / YOKOHAMA)
2011 Swarm survives, continuing having me and release me.(Arts chiyoda 3331, Tokyo)
Dancing Self Theory (WWFes 2011 Asahi Art Scueare, Tokyo)
Swimming in OTONOUMI (Tsumari)
2010 Dropping-by (Komaba Theater, Tokyo)
Exploring Performances Experimentally (WWFes 2010, Tokyo)
2009 It seems to be myspace (Komaba Theater, Tokyo)
Play Away (Shibuya/Tokyo)
Voice Snow White 10 (WWFes, Tokyo)
2011 Swarm survives, continuing having me and release me.(Arts chiyoda 3331, Tokyo)
Dancing Self Theory (WWFes 2011 Asahi Art Scueare, Tokyo)
Swimming in OTONOUMI (Tsumari)
2010 Dropping-by (Komaba Theater, Tokyo)
Exploring Performances Experimentally (WWFes 2010, Tokyo)
2009 It seems to be myspace (Komaba Theater, Tokyo)
Play Away (Shibuya/Tokyo)
Voice Snow White 10 (WWFes, Tokyo)
2007 Garden AGORA 2007 (Winter summit 2006 Agora Theater, Tokyo)
Ambigous gift (Lecture Performance/Musashino art Univ., Tokyo)
Lecture, Wrokshop
2015 Presentation ( MA Choreography, Academy of Fine Art - Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Oslo)
2012 Evono Kids Work shop-Digital application for Onomatopoeia- (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Tokyo)
2011 Open communication
-Linguistics and Art-(Open communication project, Tokyo)2012 Evono Kids Work shop-Digital application for Onomatopoeia- (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Tokyo)
Ether Swimming School- Science and Art - (Pen and Point, Tokyo)
2010 "The workshop which makes
sympathy” (Pen and
Point, Tokyo)
2007 A sound installation and body (Agora Theater, Tokyo) 2006 Memory and body Sumida Ward Terashima third Elementary School, Tokyo)
2010 The border which performs an interaction feat. Artist Yu HARA (LA GALERIE DES NAKAMURA, Tokyo)
Awards and Grants
2014 Allotment Travel Award 2014
1999 Research Fellowship, CCA KItakyusyu
1998 Toklyo Zokei University Exchange Student Fellowship for The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
2014 Emergency INDEX 2013 (Editors Yelena Gluzman and Sophia Cleary, NYC )
2014 Allotment Travel Award 2014
1999 Research Fellowship, CCA KItakyusyu
1998 Toklyo Zokei University Exchange Student Fellowship for The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
2014 Emergency INDEX 2013 (Editors Yelena Gluzman and Sophia Cleary, NYC )